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Pricing Optimization: Strategy Logic
Pricing Optimization: Strategy Logic
Jessica Crutcher avatar
Written by Jessica Crutcher
Updated over a week ago

Strategy Builder

Interface for Users to create and edit a Strategy record. There are four underlying forms to be completed to define the Strategy Logic and Scheduling. Live Preview allows the User to review the impact of unsaved Strategy Logic changes on Price Recommendations.

Strategy Logic

User defines a series of Conditions and Calculations to determine what happens to a Product reaching the Strategy in the priority sequence. Products can either be passed to the next Strategy in the priority sequence, or a Price Recommendation will be generated.


Each Condition evaluates a comparison between a Product Attribute and either a fixed value or another product attribute of the same data type. Conditions are used to determine which Products will be impacted at various points in the evaluation by the Price Recommendation Engine.

  • Operators available for comparison depend on the Data Type of the attribute being compared

  • Conditions can be combined using And/Or operators to increase specificity

If Statement

Set of Conditions that, if met, will result in the associated Then Statement to be executed.

Else If Statement

Set of Conditions that are evaluated if none of the above If or Else If Statements are met and, if met, will result in the associated Then Statement to be executed.

  • Each logical flow can have an unlimited number of Else If Statements

Then Statement

Instructions for the Price Recommendation Engine when conditions for the associated If/ElseIf Statement is met. Statements will either perform a calculation or pass data through the repricing flow.

Else Statement

A then statement that will be evaluated if none of the above If or Else If Statements are met.


Instructions for determining Prices or Bounds in the repricing flow.

  • In Repricing Logic, Calculations can be made relative to a Product Attribute or Competitive Listing(s)

  • In Bound Calculation, Calculations can be made relative to Product Attributes including Recommended Price

Choose SKUs for this strategy

Product Selection Logic

User defines conditions a Product must meet to be considered for the Strategy. If these conditions are not met, the Product will cascade to the next active Strategy.

  • No conditions are required for this Step (if so all Products are eligible)

  • Defines the Collection of Products that will be pulled into Live Preview

  • Products meeting these conditions, will not necessarily be selected for the Strategy

  • Editable in Strategy Builder

Set repricing rules for chosen SKUs

Repricing Logic


Customer Defines If/Then logic for which actions will be taken with Products meeting the Product Selection Logic.

  • Each Set of Conditions must either generate a Price Recommendation or Pass to the Next Strategy

  • Each Then statement can make multiple price calculations and select the Lowest, Highest, or Average of the Calculations

  • Calculation Types:

    • Target a margin

    • Relative to a numeric Product Attribute

    • Relative to the Lowest/Highest/Median/Mode of Selected Competitors

    • Relative to the nth Lowest Priced Competitor

    • Keep Price

  • Editable in Strategy Builder

Configure bounds for repricing of chosen SKUs

Bound Calculation

Define what (if any) constraints to put on either upward or downward movement of the Price Recommendation using If/Then logic.

  • Multiple calculations can be made for potential Upper Bounds the system will take the Lowest

  • Multiple calculations can be made for potential Lower Bounds the system will take the Highest

  • Calculations Types:

    • Target a Margin

    • Relative to a numeric Product Attribute

    • Use Recommended Price (bypass Bounds)

  • If no bound is set, the customer must check "Do Not Use XXXXX Bound"

Set up schedule for this strategy


Define the timeframe for which a Strategy will be considered "Active", and the maximum rate at which it will recommend a new price

  • Defaults to Ongoing (Always on, reprice anytime product is updated)

  • Can take effect on a Weekly Basis

  • Can take effect only during a specific date Window

  • Rate limiting is critical if any calculations are made relative to "Current Price"

Live Preview

A tool that empowers Users to test the impact of changes to the Strategy Logic before saving and seeing the changes reflected in the Store.

Currently configured Repricing Logic will be applied, to all Products meeting the Product Selection Logic, and after changes are made to the logic, Live Preview needs a refresh.

View is searchable, and sortable by any Attribute used in the Strategy Logic.

Price Inspector

A widget that loads when the User hovers over a Product Title in the Live Preview window, displaying the data used to arrive at the Price Recommendation reflected in Live Preview.

Simulation Mode

A tool that empowers Users to test the impact of changes to the Strategy Priorities before seeing the changes reflected in the Store. Changes to Strategy Priorities once Simulation Mode is entered do not impact Price Recommendations in the store.

Users can activate and deactivate Strategies, rearrange them, and see what Price Recommendations would be generated if those changes were pushed live.

Run Simulation Menu

Form for the User to enter the destination email address for the Simulation output. The Strategy Sequence used for the Simulation will be displayed on the form.

Simulation Output

Running a Simulation generates Price Recommendations for each Product in the Store based on the Strategy sequence configured in the Strategies Table while in Simulation Mode.

These recommendations are delivered as a downloadable .csv file in an email. Output file will have three columns - SKU, New Price, and Strategy and a row for every Product in the store.

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