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How to Find Matches

Learn how to find equivalent matches yourself within the portal in real time.

Updated over a month ago

Wiser provides a workflow to deliver potential similar matches. It is an equivalent matching solution within the platform to discover like to like matches for products yourself and add to your view of the portal.

Benchmark against your competition (including private label) by tracking equivalent products. Select ‘Find Match’ when viewing product level data to get started.

1. Wiser will present possible equivalent matches for you to select the “correct” match.

2. Ability to modify search terms to refine equivalent matches.

3. View detailed specs to ensure the correct product is matched and select the type of match you want to make the product (exact or equivalent).

4. Return to SKU detail page to view the added match (you may need to refresh the page).

5. If incorrectly added, the match can be deleted.

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