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How to Create a Product List

Learn how to isolate a subset of products to narrow your view of the dashboard and reporting functionalities.

Updated over a month ago

There are two ways to create and add products to your Product List. (1) from the Product Lists page; (2) from other views in the portal.

1 - Create a Product List from the Product Lists page:

  1. Select the Product Lists page.

  2. Type a name for your list.

  3. Upload a CSV file with a SKU column and all the desired SKU codes as rows.

Note: The 3rd step is optional. You can define which SKUs should be part of your list later.

2 - Adding SKUs to a Product List from other views

  1. On the Products page, simply place checkmarks for the SKUs to be added.

  2. Click on 'Add To Product Lists' button.

  3. Select the list you wish to add the products to, or create a new list.

  4. Hit Apply.

Importing a CSV file with your list of SKUs:

You can also import a CSV file with the list of SKUs you want in your Product List. You just need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a new file and name the first column “SKU”.

  2. Add your SKU codes to this column in each row.

  3. Save as a CSV (“.csv” extension).

  4. Import the CSV file into a new or existing Product List.

Note: The Product List will only be created with SKUs that have been previously provided to Wiser; any SKUs that are not visible in the Wiser Price Intelligence Web Application will be disregarded.

*Pro Tip: You can create SKU lists using the Export feature in Report Builder or anywhere else in the portal. Once you have exported your list, add or delete any SKUs you wish, remove all other columns except the SKU column, and save as a CSV.

Click here to learn how to Share or Delete a Product List.

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