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Amazon Integration
Updated over 2 years ago

What is the Wiser-Amazon integration?

  • Wiser's integration with the Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) allows easy access to your product data that lives on Amazon. You can programmatically import product data from Amazon into Wiser, receive real-time updates of competitor offers, and also reprice your products on Amazon directly from Wiser. This integration increases data traffic efficiency, reduces labor requirements, and improves response time to end-customers, helping you grow your business.

Integration setup

In order to connect your Amazon Seller Central account with Wiser, you need to execute the following steps:

  1. Log into the Wiser Pricing App:

  2. Click on "Store Settings" and go to the "Marketplace & Integrations" tab.

  3. Select the integration option "Amazon".

  4. Sign in to Amazon account and pass all the steps (you'll be redirected to Amazon).

  5. On return to Wiser's app, click Save.

Importing data from Amazon

  • There are several Amazon product's attributes that can mapped to be imported into Wiser, such as 'item-name', 'seller-sku', 'asin', 'price', 'shipping', 'item-condition' and more.

  • You can manually import product data from Amazon using the "Import from cart" button in Wiseboard at any time, or you can configure automatic scheduled imports. The scheduled imports can run on a monthly, weekly, daily and even hourly basis.

  • When the import runs, it imports data from all your active products on Amazon into Wiser. Inactive products are ignored.

  • *The mapping of product attributes and the automatic import option are not visible to you. Reach out to your Wiser Customer Success Manager to help you set it up.

Real-time updates

  • You can subscribe to receive real-time updates from Amazon. Whenever there is a change to any of the top 20 offers of a particular product (determined by the landed price, which is the price + shipping minus Amazon points), the corresponding ASIN in Wiser will receive the following updates for each one of the top 20 competitors:

    • Seller Name

    • Listing Price

    • Shipping Price

    • Prime Status

    • FBA Status

    • Featured Status

    • Seller Rating

    • BuyBox Winner Status

  • If your offer is also amongst the list of top 20 offers for a given ASIN, Wiser will also update the Current Price and Shipping Price of that ASIN in Wiseboard whenever it receives this change notification from Amazon.

  • *This option is not visible to you. Reach out to your Wiser Customer Success Manager to help you subscribe to it. Technical reference: Amazon AnyOfferChanged notification.

Sending data to Amazon

  • You can reprice your products on Amazon directly from Wiser. You can also export your Min Price and Max Price in Wiseboard to Amazon.

  • You can manually hit the "Reprice" button in Wiseboard to reprice selected SKUs at any time, or you can set up an automatic scheduled reprice, that can be set to run up to every 15min.

  • On every run, Wiser will send the value in the New Price column in Wiseboard to Amazon for every SKU in which New Price =/= Current Price (the value in the New Price column is different from the value in the Current Price column).

  • If the option to export Min Price and Max Price is enabled, Wiser will also check if the New Price is >= Min Price and New Price <= Max Price, otherwise the SKU price data won't be sent to Amazon.

  • *The automatic export option is not visible to you. Reach out to your Wiser Customer Success Manager to help you set it up.


Developer's Name: - "Wiser Solutions"
Developer ID: - "403365406869"

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