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Visit Planning on Mobile
Updated over 11 months ago

We've expanded our planning capabilities with the “Plans” view. Tap on the plans icon at the top of the Store page to be taken to the built-in calendar. Tap the arrows to toggle between weeks. Days that have already been planned will have a dot underneath the day.

The filter icon at the top allows you to filter to a specific user. Note that the plans you make can be visible to anyone else on the team.

The edit button allows you to select and update existing plans. You may notice a repeat symbol on some of the visits. This indicates that the store is scheduled on repeat. When editing a store with a repeat visit, you will be given the option to edit this specific visit or all scheduled visits for this store.

Quick tip, if you find yourself several weeks out, you can tap on the date field in between the left and right arrows to be given the option to quickly Jump to Today.

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