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Creating and Assigning Custom Store Groups
Updated over 11 months ago

With Store Groups, you can create custom groups of stores that can be assigned to users and/or forms.

Creating and Editing Store Groups

1. From the Wiser Web Portal and click on Store Groups.

2. Click on New Store Group and enter the Store Group name and description.

3. Select if you want this Store Group to be available on mobile and/or reports.

4. Click Save.

5. Select the newly created Store Group and click Actions>Assign/unassign stores in the top right.


6. In the dialogue box search and/or filter to the stores you want to include in the Store Group.


7. Select the stores and click Assign.

8. To unassign stores from a Store Group follow steps 5-7 except click Unassign rather than Assign.

Assigning or Unassigning Store Groups to Users

1. From the Wiser Web Portal and click on Users.

2. Select the users you want to assign a Store Group to

3. Click Actions>Create Action

4. Select the Store Group to assign, and then ensure that you are assigning it to "Users"


5. Select the users that you are assigning the Store Group to then select "Save" from the top right


6. To unassign Store Groups, go to Actions then select the assignment, check the box, then select Actions > Delete


Assigning or Unassigning Store Groups to Forms

1. From the Wiser Web Portal and click on Forms.

2. Select the forms you want to assign a Store Group to.

3. Click Actions>Create Action

4. Select the Store Group to assign and click Save from the top right of the screen


5. To unassign Store Groups, go to Actions then select the assignment, check the box, then select Actions > Delete

Key Words: Store Lists, target list, territories, routes

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