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Check-in & Mileage Tracking
Updated over a year ago

How is mileage calculated in Wiser?

  • Wiser sends over each day to Google, via their maps API, the list of locations in sequence for which a user checks in at.

  • Google calculates the driving distance between each location and then sends back the total for that day.

    • Note: This list is based on the latitude/longitude coordinates of where the user is located when they check in at each store, as reported by the user's device. It is not based on the store address.

Example of Check-in Flow:

Start Day:


Store Check-In:


End Day:


Keep in Mind:

Discrepancies can occur between the estimated mileage calculation and the actual mileage driven if either of the following occurs:

  1. User takes a different route than the one Google recommends between each store.

  2. The user's latitude/longitude reported by the device when the user checks in is incorrect.

Follow these tips to get as accurate mileage estimation as possible:

  • Ensure your location services in turned ON

  • Do NOT have Battery Save mode turned on

    • This will throttle the GPS and decrease the accuracy of your reported location

  • Validate that the device is accurately reporting your current location before checking in.

    • Do this in Wiser by tapping on the Map icon or confirming the nearest store distance shows as expected.

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