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Add a new store on Mobile
Updated over a year ago

If you are opening a new account or the store you are looking for is not listed in your store list you can add the store as long as you have an internet connection by doing the following:

  1. On the Stores page, tap the + sign at the top right corner next to the search box. The add store screen will appear.

  2. Tap to add the HQ Account and then complete the rest of the fields as necessary. The address can be added in one of three ways:

    1. Tap To Use Current Location will auto-load the address of your current location based on your device's GPS settings

    2. Map View If you tap on the map it will go to a full page screen where you can tap to drop a pin on the location's address you would like to load. Tap the + icon to add to the form

    3. Manually You can always enter or adjust the address manually by tapping on the text field and editing from the keyboard.

  3. The section to input Additional Store Details is optional.

  4. After entering the address tap Add Store from the bottom of the screen.

  5. An alert box will appear at the bottom confirming the store has been submitted successfully.

  6. Give it about a full minute for the store to be created, geo-coded, and assign out appropriately. If the store has correctly been geocoded and you are near the store, it will appear at the top of your store list. Or you can search for the store via the store name or store address.

  7. Tap the newly created store to be taken to the store details page where you will be able to complete your work as normal.

Keep in Mind

  • You MUST be connected to the internet to add a new store

  • You MUST give a complete, valid address in order for the store to be correctly geocoded

  • When you tap into the store details of a newly added store, all active forms will automatically be assigned to this store.

*If adding more than 5 stores, feel free to download and fill out the attached Store Upload Template, then send it to to have uploaded.


Key Words:

How do I add a store to my store list?

Store not appearing

Unable to find store

add account

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